Posted by: JJ | March 17, 2008

Veterans of PTSD and Craniosacral Therapy

This is a (very ancient now) letter to David Brancacio of the PBS program NOW.

The show, entitled, “Veterans of PTSD.”

Hi David,

As much as I respect your work and that of mentor, Bill Moyers, I just saw your report on PTSD for the first time. Unfortunately, your staff did not cover the array of innovative light touch therapies available for Veterans, now,  basically giving lip service.

If you, or someone you love, is really interested in what works in the relief and treatment of PTSD, you might also contact the Upledger Institute in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, and request their video on treating Vietnam Vets with PTSD. Or read online, The Role of CranioSacral Therapy in Addressing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, by Dr. Upledger.

A truly competent craniosacral therapeutic/facilitator, treats PTSD as a matter of course, and what are considered “unsolvable” neurological disorders tend to clear up in a reasonable amount of time, safely.

For the past two years, this light touch Facilitator, for one, has offered a series of exploratory sessions to the local VA in the Palm Beaches. This was encouraged by a dear friend who has worked in the Administrative offices of the VA here for 25 years, however, our offer continues to be refused by her supervisors. We are sure the VA Hospital has its own “very good reasons.”

What might be going on?

Keep in mind that good Health does not discriminate.  It is common to us all, no matter the religion, creed, nationality, and so on.  Craniosacral Therapy does not discriminate; it can relieve the PTSD of our Nation’s Veterans, as well as the PTSD of those who are on the other side of the fence, even those who have been detained, and those who have alledgedly subject to abuse, and needless to say, this would make our Country (or any Country) a much safer place!

And maybe check out the, unfortunately, more recent report for your show.

Respectfully, if you ever do a follow up report on NOW for PTSD, you might also base it around the success in treatment of PTSD by truly innovative approaches, including craniosacral therapy, to relieve and treat symptoms from TMJ to migraines to depression and hyper-vigilance.

These are hard subjects for anyone to talk about, but wouldn’t a harmless, non-intrusive, “light-touch” approach be worthwhile to learn more about?

There is help available NOW and in short order, however, neither Dr. Upledger or other experts in light touch therapies including craniosacral therapy practitioners, are yet granted the privilege to work one-on-one with the Vets at the VA Hospital here in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Why is this?

(In related news, US Army Suicides have hit record high?)

Thank you
James Nemec LMT, CST-D


As an update (12/2009 and 6/2010) Very happy to point out that there are blogs appearing concerned about this subject now and mostly on target in viewing the different light touch therapies available.  Of the Upledger Institute video on the Vietnam Veterans program, it’s not now available. Go to the Upledger Institute site and do inquire. One might also visit a review at the informative blog, for news on Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI.) MTBI might also be news, but like PTSD is not at all new.

The relief and treatment of both PTSD and MTBI is standard practice in CraniOcean work. The successful relief and treatment of PTSD is described in Journeys: Stories Our Bodies Can Tell, (with lasting results) and the successful relief and treatment of MTBI is described in the forthcoming book, Awake and Asleep: More Stories Our Bodies Can Tell (also, with lasting results). In this, CraniOcean work is done in combination with both craniosacral therapy and its allied modality, SomatoEmotional Release, also developed by Upledger.  The modalities of Visceral Manipulation, developed by Barral, and Lymph Drainage Therapy, by Chikley, might also be incorporated and used.  And always in combination with love.  Love?? one might ask? Yes.  Read the books to learn more.  The repeated success in relief and treatment of PTSD and MTBI is not unique to CraniOcean Work, and can be mastered by anyone with a centered heart and competent in craniosacral therapy and somatoemotional release.  Please look for a competent practitioner in your area if anyone you know or love suffers from these seemingly bewildering forms of trauma.

Also, there is now a video by Global Mind Spirit that goes somewhat into the relationship of the body (not just the mind) in PTSD, called, “Forgiveness and Healing.”

“The body, not just the mind, has stories to tell” — from Journeys: Stories Our Bodies Can Tell, distributed by Ingram, New Leaf Distributing


Grateful to report that HBO is airing “WAR TORN” on November 11, 2010.  We are moving right along!  It you have suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI), or Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI), please feel free to call me for a free consultation from the website,  No need to hesitate.  Make your appointment now for the relief and treatment and discover what works.  Thank you.

And thanks for your visit.


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