CraniOcean With Craniosacral … And More

Welcome to the Ocean.  YOUR Ocean.

CranioSacral Therapy alone is a deeply gentle and calming hands on therapy that goes beyond the reach and comprehension of most traditional medicine.

Welcome to CraniOcean

CraniOcean provides a very big space, almost infinite in variety of applications and each prismatic application singular to You and Your loved ones.  Here, it’s about the dissolution of stress and the authentic relief of pain.  About the nurturing relaxation, long sought by struggle and try and effort, that can only arise from within.  When blending CraniOcean and CranioSacral Therapy together … with You.

It’s about the gentle dawn of your awareness that the capacity to heal is in fact, within you and each one of us.  About the awakening and activation of a wonderful self correcting ability of the body, mind, and spirit.

There is good news on the Planet today and this is it.  As a client or patient, as a therapist or medical doctor, CraniOcean with Craniosacral Therapy gives you the opportunity to:

  • Discover what it is to be without pain, anxiety, and stress, if only for a moment, and to gently allow this new freedom to increase and expand in your daily life.
  • Find out what your own “normal,” is and what it feels like to be yourself again, to be realigned and comfortable in your body with new awareness of your body to self correct.
  • Discover what works!  Joy in your connection and realignment with your own body, with others, with the Earth, the Waters and Skies and with All Creatures Great and Small, and take this back to your job and daily life.
  • Unscramble body and brain from Internet, Gaming, and Cellphone Technologies, safely and with ease and realign with the harmony of life and living in life.

Check It Out For Yourself?

My name is James Nemec LMT, CST-D.  The applications of this light touch healing art are so vast that it can only be experienced for yourself. This can be in experienced in one session only, or in a series of sessions.  The question to ask yourself is this: “How long have I been in contraction and pain?”  If for a fairly long time, one can expect to take some little amount of time to come out of it.

Books I’ve written, Touch the Ocean, and Journeys: Stories Our Bodies Can Tell, are said to be deeply honest, intimate, moment by moment accounts of the awakening of this self correcting mechanism.  All that happens in these books is true, and because the healing stories are true, there is no denying what they prove out.  You can find out about this with ease, for yourself, and now, when you check it out for yourself, in your own experience.

CraniOcean is gentle, non-surgical, non-intrusive and works with no agenda.  With it, our new feelings of freedom can not only awaken our own Health and Healing, outside of sessions, our new freedom can expand from the individual to groups of individuals and beyond …

These words are taken from CraniOcean.Calm.  Please visit this site to learn more of Individual one-on-one session offerings, Group sessions in a blend with Nature, and the  benefits. Thanks for your visit in peace and harmony and be well.

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